Time and space points to astrology

This is about your life, which takes place in time and space. That is the source and the core of astrology.

Each of us is a unique being, as you have surely already experienced. What is exactly the right direction for me may be the wrong path for you. How do we find the direction that is good for us? What to look out for and how? Is what we wish for the real deal? When we find ourselves in a situation where every possible direction seems to be wrong, how do we handle that?

Read on if these questions hit home. Those who are curious go beyond the familiar. They grow.

Offer overview

3 Offers for Your first choice

Northern lights in the sky
1 short video session to find out if it fits & ask questions. For free.
Moon at the sky
1 Month Accompaniment
3 video session private page for Q&A/notes/audio
Moon appears on water
1 Month
7+ video sessions
private page for Q&A/notes/audios priority-response

2 Offers to Stay tuned

Person is looking at the moon
1 video session
custom/time/topic private page for notes/audio
A bright sun in the sky
1 Year Accompaniment 12 video sessions private page for Q&A/notes/audios

5 Offers to create your life

Free short

Give it a go!

A night sky with northern lights

A free quarter-hour video session with me. To find out if it’s right for you, to dip a toe in first before diving in or to ask for a price reduction. Or whatever question is close to your heart, you are welcome!

Included is:

✓ 1 short video session, a quarter of an hour

No costs, it’s free!

If you’re interested .. (click to open)

.. in any of my offers, but prefer to dip a toe in first before diving in: You can book this free quarter-hour video session with me. This is how we find out whether it is suitable for you. The same applies if it’s exactly what you were looking for, but you can’t afford the cost. I live in high-priced Switzerland, that’s a reality, and where and in what circumstances you live is also one. Get in touch to see what we can do about it. In both cases, you are welcome to book this free quarter-hour video session for an exchange.

Video session with Zoom. Please also see Refund guarantee for further details. Thanks.

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Discover your inner compass!

A moon at the sky for Offer Lunar Month

A one-month accompaniment that offers you clarity for your life. The initial horoscope reading and two subsequent sessions for transfer into daily life. You learn to understand your inner compass and to refer to it. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Included is:

✓ 1 month accompaniment
✓ 3 video sessions, total duration 3-4 hours
✓ access to your private personal page
✓ written questions & audio answers
✓ symbol note sketches & audios after all sessions
✓ additional contextual content
helpful with twin theme

Cost CHF 630

Your advantages of my online accompaniment (click to open)

Of course, sharing time in the same room is fundamentally important in life. No doubt about that. But an online accompaniment has a few plus points in its favour: Independence of location guarantees long-term value, regardless of your whereabouts. Time flexibility and easier scheduling ensure seamless integration into your everyday life, to name just a few points. But the important thing here is that online accompaniment makes your private personal online page possible. You will still have access to this page after the end of the accompaniment. In the video sessions I work with symbol note sketches, which you can access on your private page afterwards. Depending on the offer, you can ask written questions and I post audio answers there. It is a place of exchange that is constantly available. Look at the sketches, read up on where we’ve got through, write down your thoughts and questions there when you have time and space. This page is a creative space that we can organise in the way that works best for you. And that’s the thing that can make all the difference!

Please bring all .. (click to open)

.. your questions and the current themes of your life. There is an unseen thread in all of this. We will connect the individual dots and get an overall picture, this is part of gaining clarity. Your circumstances may change over time, but what matters is how you experience them. With a different mind-, heart- and body-set you change your life. This is what your horoscope is about, who you are and what is essential for you to be at ease in life.

Video session with Zoom. Please also see Refund guarantee for further details. Thanks.

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Follow your inner compass!

A moon emerging in water for Offer Intensive Month

This is an offer to all those who feel addressed by it. When life takes an incomprehensible turn with you or when you want to take a bold turn with life. It is during intensive times that we also benefit intensively from helpful resources.

Included is:

✓ 1 month accompaniment
✓ 1-2 video sessions per week (1½-2h/week)
✓ video sessions duration total 8-9 hours
✓ access to your private personal page
✓ written questions & audio answers
✓ symbol note sketches & audios after all sessions
✓ additional contextual content
✓ high priority response within 24 hours
    (to written request on private page).
helpful with twin theme

Cost CHF 1420

Your advantages of my online accompaniment (click to open)

Of course, sharing time in the same room is fundamentally important in life. No doubt about that. But an online accompaniment has a few plus points in its favour: Independence of location guarantees long-term value, regardless of your whereabouts. Time flexibility and easier scheduling ensure seamless integration into your everyday life, to name just a few points. But the important thing here is that online accompaniment makes your private personal online page possible. You will still have access to this page after the end of the accompaniment. In the video sessions I work with symbol note sketches, which you can access on your private page afterwards. Depending on the offer, you can ask written questions and I post audio answers there. It is a place of exchange that is constantly available. Look at the sketches, read up on where we’ve got through, write down your thoughts and questions there when you have time and space. This page is a creative space that we can organise in the way that works best for you. And that’s the thing that can make all the difference!

Sometimes life can become .. (click to open)

.. so intense that we call it a crisis. Maybe we feel like we’re in a washing machine and don’t know which way is up and which way is down. Or sometimes we know exactly where we want to go, but we are desperately searching for the how. This is precisely when it is helpful to seek support. The connection with your inner compass provides a reliable source to quickly get to the core issue. It offers a clear view of the situation and the time horizon. We start where it makes sense for the situation and use everything that is available. And there is a lot! Take the plunge and book a free short consultation to take the leap. The first step is the hardest, as we know.

Video session with Zoom. Please also see Refund guarantee for further details. Thanks.

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Fine-tune your inner compass!

Person looking at the moon in the sky

Builds on LunarMonth or IntensiveMonth: This offer is for you if you want to consciously take care of the topic in your life that concerns you the most. It can be your relationship life, work issues or your inner soul life. You say where you want to look, and we fine-tune your compass in that very field. Or maybe you want to take a view at the opportunities that life offers in your present time?

Included is:

✓ a short written exchange for
✓ a preparation of your topic
✓ 1 video session, duration 1½ hour
✓ access to your private personal page for
✓ symbol note sketches & audio after session

Cost CHF 270

Your advantages of my online accompaniment (click to open)

Of course, sharing time in the same room is fundamentally important in life. No doubt about that. But an online accompaniment has a few plus points in its favour: Independence of location guarantees long-term value, regardless of your whereabouts. Time flexibility and easier scheduling ensure seamless integration into your everyday life, to name just a few points. But the important thing here is that online accompaniment makes your private personal online page possible. You will still have access to this page after the end of the accompaniment. In the video sessions I work with symbol note sketches, which you can access on your private page afterwards. Depending on the offer, you can ask written questions and I post audio answers there. It is a place of exchange that is constantly available. Look at the sketches, read up on where we’ve got through, write down your thoughts and questions there when you have time and space. This page is a creative space that we can organise in the way that works best for you. And that’s the thing that can make all the difference!

Time is like you, it has a .. (click to open)

.. constantly evolving quality. Even your most familiar topics change over time, and new ones emerge in your life. Your own quality of time often gives an important indication from where and how you can look at the field that concerns you (in a nutshell, time quality is personal and not evenly distributed). If you add this view to your familiar compass, your clarity will increase. Fine-tuning your compass in this context means gaining other layers of trust in yourself and your inner compass. You will take a newly expanded inner guidance system with you.

Video session with Zoom. Please also see Refund guarantee for further details. Thanks.

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Fortify your inner compass!

A sun in the sky for Offer Solar Year

Builds on LunarMonth or IntensiveMonth: Keep at it after the initial month and change your life for the better. An accompaniment for a whole year that pays off and where you will be amazed at what is possible within a year. For participants of the Lunar- or IntensiveMonth who consciously take time and space for change for good.

Included is:

✓ 1 year accompaniment
✓ 12 video sessions (1-1½ h/month)
✓ access to your private personal page
✓ written questions & audio answers
✓ symbol note sketches & audios after all sessions
✓ additional contextual content
✓ guaranteed monthly slot for 1 year
helpful with twin theme

Cost CHF 2340

Your advantages of my online accompaniment (click to open)

Of course, sharing time in the same room is fundamentally important in life. No doubt about that. But an online accompaniment has a few plus points in its favour: Independence of location guarantees long-term value, regardless of your whereabouts. Time flexibility and easier scheduling ensure seamless integration into your everyday life, to name just a few points. But the important thing here is that online accompaniment makes your private personal online page possible. You will still have access to this page after the end of the accompaniment. In the video sessions I work with symbol note sketches, which you can access on your private page afterwards. Depending on the offer, you can ask written questions and I post audio answers there. It is a place of exchange that is constantly available. Look at the sketches, read up on where we’ve got through, write down your thoughts and questions there when you have time and space. This page is a creative space that we can organise in the way that works best for you. And that’s the thing that can make all the difference!

Habit is strong .. (click to open)

.. as we all know. We could also refer to habit as karma, because it determines our daily experience. To stay awake and connected to your inner compass, one session per month helps immensely. In one year, you will go through various familiar phases with new approaches. Questions will arise, unfamiliar perspectives and, of course, new qualities of time. Making the most of the initial LunarMonth/IntensiveMonth offer means commitment in everyday life. Bringing it into your life and anchoring it requires attention, which can be very demanding on your own. With regular exchange, this is far easier and, above all, very inspiring. Guaranteed.

Video session with Zoom. Please also see Refund guarantee for further details. Thanks.

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Worth reading


Astrology in its origin is a description of the time and place where we were born. In other words, when we finally entered time and space. The term “we” refers to the timeless being that we are in this very life too. The being that we sometimes recognise in clear moments, how we are still the same as we were decades ago. Timeless, young, old, always the same, all in one.

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What does channelled astrology describe?

For me, an astrological horoscope is not only a vivid map of time and space, but it also contains vital clues of infinite depth. I can look at the same horoscope many times, even over decades, and it opens up additional and deeper facets each time. It is a vibrant expression of ourselves as living beings.

Channelled astrology happens in the moment of connection by means of the horoscope. I can draw up your horoscope, then analyse it and tell you quite profoundly and reliably what your themes are in your life. And all this without ever having met you. But as soon as I am in contact with you, your horoscope becomes multidimensional, while the analysis remains two-dimensional. This can neither be planned nor imagined, but is simply there. In a way, it is a direct channel between you and a greater version of you. In other words, it happens in connection with a timeless realm.

Of course I could talk to you about zodiac signs, houses and rulers. But this language is clumsy compared to the direct translation of what your horoscope reveals. If we leave out the astrological language for the transmission, the much-needed space opens up for the real thing.

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The real thing

So what is the real thing? It’s about you. Who you are in this life, for what you have come here and what you want to experience. It’s about your consciousness, about getting to know yourself. Becoming more aware is life itself.

You already know a lot of what I’m going to tell you. But this knowledge is usually hidden in the heart rather than in the mind. It’s more like a reminder to connect with what’s important in your life. However, you will gain a completely different perspective on the connections between the parts of your life that you think you know well.

You get a clearer view of yourself. You get clear points of orientation in your life as to what and where you can orientate yourself towards. This is your compass for life. Nobody tells you what to do, and your horoscope is the last thing that would. Life just doesn’t work that way. But the signature of your horoscope offers invaluable help to make and be the best you can be.

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Transfer into your daily life

Getting to know and remembering is one thing. Integrating it into life is another. The furthest distance in this world is from the head to the heart. My experiences and my connection to life emphasise how important it is to anchor in your daily life what you have learned in the reading. Actually, you haven’t learnt anything if it doesn’t change your everyday life. Are you with me?

That’s why my offers include a minimum of this transfer into your everyday life. You don’t read a book about tennis and immediately jump onto the court and play like a world-class pro. And you didn’t just watch a video about driving and then take the driving test straight away, did you? An hour or two of practice will certainly help you get the feel for the game or the car! It is your very own, unique game that you practise. You practise to steer your very own car as an image for yourself in your life. Your own compass guides you in all of this.

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Twin theme

Also known as a “lost twin or vanishing twin or twin survivor“. More than one in ten of us start life as a twin at the beginning of pregnancy. Only one in a hundred is born a twin. The figures vary, but they are clearly in the direction of an even higher probability. In most cases, the twin leaves the womb in the first three months and remains unrecognised.

This experience of loss shapes the course of life as long as it is not conscious and embedded. Failing relationships, constantly searching without realising it and deep self-doubt are just some of the possible effects. High sensitivity, a lack of basic trust or inexplicable feelings of guilt are further indications. You can find detailed information at twinconnection.space. If these lines appeal to you: You can also find a twin test there that will give you more clarity on the subject.

The twin theme is familiar to me. I am happy to offer individual counselling and support on this topic with a view to your horoscope. This allows us to quickly and safely get to the point where it becomes helpful and clarifying for you. Successful conscious embedding of the twin theme is a major turning point and a true opportunity in life. Taking care of it is worthwhile far beyond the imaginable!

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Refund guarantee

Refund policy coin

I am confident and positive about the potential of all my offered readings and the subsequent transfer periods. However, if you come to the conclusion that it is not right for you after the initial video session, I grant you a refund. Please read the details here. I have a relationship of trust with my clients and would like it to stay that way.

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