
Portrait cp

I just arrived in my sixties, have two grown-up sons and a basket full of life experience. I started with astrology in my mid-twenties, and it has accompanied me closely ever since. It shows me a helpful perspective in all situations and offers a multi-layered view to reflect on life. For me, it is the most vivid and detailed expression of what is there on a psychological and spiritual level. I sometimes even consider it a quality control tool for the view of the soul.

I have come a long way to write such a statement. I grew up as the youngest of five siblings. First profession electronics engineer, then second profession physiotherapist, accompanying children and their parents for more than a decade. Various training programmes for energetical somatic therapy. An energetical awakening set me on a spiritual path in my thirties. Broad and specific knowledge of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and dream work through training, supervision and self work. Training and experience in shamanic work. Almost four decades of studying evolutionary astrology and working with clients on a case-by-case basis. Sound training and experience in systemic counselling and therapy. Trained supervisor for groups and teams. Very experienced workshop facilitator in various areas and topics. Meditation practitioner and teacher.

A real wealth of experience. All of this has helped my view of space and time – which is the source of astrology at its core – to expand.

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